Rivington Avenue, Platt Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 5NG

01942 487999


Platt Bridge Community School

School Values: Promotes Belief Creates Success

Term & Holiday Dates

As a parent/carer you are responsible for ensuring your children receive a suitable full time education.

You should not book a family holiday during term time.

Whilst you may think this is beneficial, taking a holiday during term time means that children miss important school time and it will be difficult for them to catch up on work.

If you take your child out of school, the school may record this as unauthorised absence. This could result in a fixed penalty fine being issued by the local authority and as a result you may be fined in respect of each parent and each child, payable up to £120 for each. Therefore two parents and two children could potentially receive fines amounting to a maximum £480. If you choose not to pay the fine the local authority may take legal proceedings against you.


Academic Year 2023-24

Autumn Term 2023 School re-opens  Wednesday 6th September 2023 (Mon 4th and Tue 5th Inset)
Half Term  Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 
School closes  Friday 22nd December 2023
Spring Term 2024 School re-opens  Tuesday 9th January 2024 (Mon 8th Jan Inset)
Half Term  Monday 19th February to Friday 23rd February 
School Closes  Thursday 28th March 2024
Summer Term 2024 School re-opens Monday 15th April 2024
Half Term  Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May 2024


School closes  Friday 19th July 2024


2023 - 24 Inset Days 

✓ Mon 4th Sept 2023

✓ Tue 5th Sept 2023

✓ Mon 8th Jan 2024



academic year 2024-25

Autumn Term 2024 School re-opens Wed 4th Sept 2024 (Mon 2nd and Tue 3rd Inset)
Half Term  Mon 21st Oct 2024 to Fri 25th Oct 2024

School Closes


Fri 20th Dec 2024


Spring Term 2025 School re-opens Tue 7th Jan 2025 (Mon 6th Inset)
Half Term  Mon 17th Feb 2025 to Fri 21st Feb 2025

School Closes 


Fri 04th April 2025


Summer Term 2025 School re-opens Tue 22nd April 2025
Half Term  Mon 26th May 2025 to Fri 30th May 2025
School closes  Fri 18th July 2025

2024 - 25 Inset Days 

✓ Mon 2nd Sept 2024

✓ Tue 3rd Sept 2024

✓ Mon 6th Jan 2025

academic year 2025-26 

Autumn Term 2025 School re-opens Wed 3rd Sept 2025 (Mon 1st and Tue 2nd Inset)
Half Term  Mon 27 Oct 2025 to Fri 31 Oct 2025

School Closes


Fri 19th Dec 2025


Spring Term 2026 School re-opens Tue 6th Jan 2026 (Mon 5th Inset)
Half Term  Mon 16th Feb 2026 to Fri 20th Feb 2026

School Closes 


Thurs 2nd April 2026


Summer Term 2026 School re-opens Mon 20th April 2026
Half Term  Mon 25 May to Fri 29th May 2026
School closes  Fri 17th July 2026

Please ensure that holidays are not booked in term-time if you are in any doubt please check with the school office.